
CYE provides choice and variety in reshaping Jewish education

This past Sunday, families at Stephen Wise Temple’s Center for Youth Engagement (CYE) celebrated an academic year unlike any other in the temple's 58-year history, one which marked a re-imagining of Jewish education for children attending secular schools. Instead of concluding yet another year of traditional weekly religious school, families from five different CYE programs gathered to mingle and share unique stories about their distinct Jewish educational experiences. “It always felt like [...]

By |May 4th, 2022|Categories: Center for Youth Engagement, Education, News, Rabbi Josh Knobel, WTY|Tags: |Comments Off on CYE provides choice and variety in reshaping Jewish education

VIDEO: United Hatzalah and Stephen Wise Temple Ukrainian refugee update

Over three weeks this spring, the combined effort of Stephen Wise Temple and Schools and New Jersey's Congregation B'nai Jeshurun raised over a quarter of a million dollars for United Hatzalah of Israel's efforts to help Ukrainian refugees. Initially, the goal of the campaign was to raise $100,000 for United Hatzalah's Operation Orange Wings, which would send a charter plane to Israel to Moldova, full of medical supplies, medics, and equipment for [...]

By |May 4th, 2022|Categories: Israel, News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Tikkun Olam, Videos|Tags: |Comments Off on VIDEO: United Hatzalah and Stephen Wise Temple Ukrainian refugee update

Noa Tishby to discuss Israel book at Wise

A Stephen Wise Temple member and a proud Wise School parent, Noa Tishby is excited to share her book on Israel with the Wise community during a special All School Parent Kabbalat Shabbat and Book Talk on May 27. Following that morning’s 8:15 a.m. Kabbalat Shabbat, the Tel Aviv-born activist, author, model, singer, and actress will discuss her 2021 book, "Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth," with Stephen [...]

By |May 4th, 2022|Categories: Events, Israel, Member News, News, Rabbi Sari Laufer, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Wise School|Tags: , |Comments Off on Noa Tishby to discuss Israel book at Wise

Stephen Wise Temple and Schools community pays tribute to David Kates

On Friday, April 29, the Wise community paid tribute to the man who has helped shape the sound of our worship and learning over more than a decade, Maestro David Kates, the retiring music director for Stephen Wise Temple and Schools. When Cantor Emma Lutz got a call about six and a half years ago from a friend and mentor, asking her to interview for a new cantorial position at Stephen Wise [...]

By |May 2nd, 2022|Categories: Cantor Emma Lutz, Clergy, Events, News, Rabbi David Woznica, Rabbi Josh Knobel, Rabbi Ron Stern, Rabbi Sari Laufer, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Videos, Wise School|Tags: |Comments Off on Stephen Wise Temple and Schools community pays tribute to David Kates

Yom HaShoah at Stephen Wise Temple: Trudie Strobel tells her story Holocaust survivor Trudie Strobel gingerly walked down the bimah, eyes shining as she looked at seven Wise School students. On Thursday morning, they each had lit a candle during a special service marking Yom HaShoah at Stephen Wise Temple. One—Adam S.—had told the story of his great-grandmother, Sophie Zeidman Hamburger, who had survived a death march from Auschwitz. Strobel— who told her story to Wise School fifth and sixth [...]

By |April 28th, 2022|Categories: Events, News, Videos, Wise School|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Yom HaShoah at Stephen Wise Temple: Trudie Strobel tells her story

Stephen Wise Temple Blood Drive set for June 1

Mark June 1 on your calendar for our next Stephen Wise Temple Red Cross Blood Drive. Since March of 2020, Stephen Wise Temple and Schools’ Red Cross blood drives have helped hundreds of people in need, and with our nation still facing its worst blood shortage in over a decade, it’s time to do our part again. Every day, doctors and nurses at hospitals are forced to make impossible decisions about [...]

By |April 27th, 2022|Categories: Events, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Stephen Wise Temple Blood Drive set for June 1
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